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This page describes old mod content that was removed or replaced. The information here does not apply to the current version of the mod
Part of the Stars Stained Silver update ( fixed some general issues.


Additions / Changes

  • Added a new Stellar Spoils item, the Poltergrasp 5000.
    • When held, increases item grab range and when used, grabs all items in an even larger radius.
  • Prototokia Aster is automatically equipped when first unlocking Stellar Novas.
  • Calamity damage modifiers has been decreased from 30% to 20%.

Bug Fixes

  • The Stellar Nova cut-in animation should now properly move depending on screen resolution.
  • Replaced archaic code for Death In Four Acts to prevent issues with firing speed. Additionally, modified description.
  • Fixed Rex Lapis critical damage modifier being used for all crits instead of Petrified crits
  • Fixed The Warrior of Light dropping useless item