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This page describes old mod content that was removed or replaced. The information here does not apply to the current version of the mod
Part of the Stars Stained Silver update ( fixed some issues. It also re-implemented Multiplayer Compatibility Mode to be enabled by default.


Additions / Changes

  • All projectiles without an entity source has been given one (this fixes bugs with LuiAFK)
  • Nanomachina Reactor's HP cap has been reduced from 100 HP to 50 HP.
  • Added a description to the Stellar Spoils bag.
  • Reimplemented allowing Tsukiyomi to be spawned in the main world in Multiplayer.
  • Multiplayer Compatibility Mode has been made enabled by default again.
  • With the Calamity Mod enabled, Supreme Authority consumes nearby town NPCs regardless if they are marked or not (as Calamity makes town npcs immune to said debuff presumably)

Bug Fixes