Tsukiyomi, the First Starfarer

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Tsukiyomi, the First Starfarer
Tsukiyomi, the First Starfarer.gif
Tsukiyomi, the First Starfarer Map Icon.png
Map Icon
AI TypeTsukiyomi AI
Damage200 / 400 / 600 (Anosios' Small Orb)
150 / 300 / 450 (Carian Dark Moon)
140 / 280 / 420 (Jetstream Bloodshed)
120 / 240 / 360 (Anosios' Red Stars / Key of the King's Law)
100 / 200 / 300 (Bury The Light / Stygian Memento / Shadowless Cerulean / Voice of the Outbreak / Death in Four Acts' 4th shot / Takonomicon Portals)
80 / 160 / 240 (Threads of Fate / Origin Starsnipe / Origin Starfall / Death in Four Acts)
70 / 140 / 210 (Caesura of Despair Projectiles)
60 / 120 / 180 (Celestial Opposition / Caesura of Despair Drones / Takonomicon Tentacles)
50 / 100 / 150 (Luminary Starchild)
40 / 80 / 120 (Cosmic Upsurge / Starchild)
34 / 68 / 102 (Meteor Shower)
Max Life233,000 / 466,000 / 594,150 / ??? Calamity Mod
30% DR (Until Final Phase)
KB Resist100%

Tsukiyomi is a Post Moon Lord boss fought after The Warrior Of Light is defeated. She is currently the final boss of The Stars Above mod.


Tsukiyomi does not spawn naturally and is summoned using a Mnemonic Sigil at the Eternal Confluence, reached by using the item in the Overworld. On Multiplayer Compatibility Mode, Tsukiyomi spawns in the Overworld after using the Mnemonic Sigil.


When spawned, Tsukiyomi appears at the center of the arena and stays stationary throughout the fight. She uses a preset pattern of various attacks. After a while, she will trigger a cutscene and warp the player to another arena, remaining stationary there as well.


  • Threads of Fate: Tsukiyomi summons up to five fast-moving white projectiles at the position of the player. They can also spawn in a vertical pattern around the arena.
  • Anosios: Tsukiyomi summons a pink orb that descends above the player. After a short delay, the orb is slashed open, firing four orbs up, down, left, and right. These orbs fire eight red stars upon exploding.
  • Celestial Opposition: Tsukiyomi summons several white projectiles that move outwards of her in an arc.
  • Hypertuned Meteor Shower: Tsukiyomi summons a multitude of meteor projectiles upwards, affected by gravity.
  • Origin Starfall: Tsukiyomi summons red stars from the sky in a pattern.
  • Grasping Void: Tsukiyomi pulls the player towards for a short distance multiple times.
  • Cosmic Upsurge: Tsukiyomi summons red stars from the right and left side of the arena, all moving horizontally towards the player.
  • Origin Starsnipe: Tsukiyomi summons red stars from the sky towards the player.
  • As Above, Ever Below: Tsukiyomi prepares to warp the player to another arena. A cutscene triggers upon completion of this attack.

Upon Casting As Above, Ever Below, Tsukiyomi gains new abilities:

  • The First Aspect: Tsukiyomi gains new abilities and plays a specific quote. This attack is cast only once, after As Above, Ever Below.
  • Bury The Light: Tsukiyomi disappears and prepares several slashes through the entire arena. Tsukiyomi cannot be damaged during this attack.
  • Death In Four Acts: Tsukiyomi shoots four projectiles towards the player. The fourth shot has higher velocity.
  • Jetstream Bloodshed: Tsukiyomi summons red stars in a + and X pattern at the player's position. After a while the stars explode into slashes.
  • Stygian Memento: Tsukiyomi disappears and dashes towards the player from the right side of the arena, leaving behind a trail of scythes that move vertically. Tsukiyomi cannot be damaged during this attack.
  • Carian Dark Moon: Tsukiyomi summons a sword and slashes with it towards the player, creating several slashing projectiles.
  • Takonomicon: Tsukiyomi summons several portals, after which tentacles come out.
  • Shadowless Cerulean: Tsukiyomi disappears and performs several dashes around the player, creating horizontal projectiles.
  • Key of the King's Law: Tsukiyomi creates several sword-like projectiles from the sky several times, aiming at the player's position.
  • Voice Of The Outbreak: Tsukiyomi moves to the left side of the arena. She moves vertically along with the player's vertical position, after which shoots several projectiles horizontally towards the player.
  • Luminary Wand: Tsukiyomi summons a Starchild. It constantly shoots projectiles towards the player.
  • Caesura of Despair: Tsukiyomi summons three drones that orbit around her. Each of them shoots projectiles to the front of them.



  • All Stellar Foci take effect during the fight. Use as many of the high-Tier Foci as you can before entering the arena.
  • Vanilla non-special wing accessories have no effect as flight time is disabled during this fight.
  • Using a strong melee weapon with armor and accessories that boost melee speed can be extremely effective, as Tsukiyomi does not have contact damage.
  • Due to the arena size being small enough for one screen, you may hover your cursor over Tsukiyomi and hold the attack button while you focus on dodging.
  • Because she stays in one place, Sentries are usually a good item to bring, summoner or not. The Lunar Portal Staff or Rainbow Crystal Staff are good choices to bring for the fight.
    • However, you may have to redeploy Sentries once she changes the arena.
  • For those playing summoner, whips can be really effective against her because of the effects these weapons have. Kaleidoscope, Morning Star, Dark Harvest, and Firecrackers are some of the whips recommended for this fight. Of course, the listed whips' effectiveness can be varied depending on the minions used.
    • Of course, if the player has other mods enabled that has whips, then they can consider replacing one of the whips above with the whip from said mod for their more favorable effect over the vanilla ones.
  • Modded mounts are enabled during the fight so use any if you have them for better mobility.
  • When playing The Stars Above along with the Calamity Mod and/or Fargo's Souls mod, the following weapons and loadouts can help defeat her more easily:
    • For Melee Users, the Ark of the Elements is a really solid weapon due to it dealing heavy damages to Tsukiyomi. However, it has a fairly complicated crafting tree.
      • Alternatively, the Gilded Proboscis is a good weapon to use because of the healing it grants, if the player is willing to get close. The Stellar Contempt is also a good alternative for those wanting to stay in safer distance.
    • For Rangers, the Astreal Defeat is a solid bow to use against Tsukiyomi.
      • Alternatively, the Elemental Eruption and/or the Elemental Blaster can be used in place of Astreal Defeat, because of the former dealing a lot of debuffs, and the latter because of its insanely fast speed.
    • For Mages, the Mad Alchemist's Cocktail Glove is a solid choice, due to its quick speed, and can inflict debuffs that she is not immune to.
      • Alternatively, the Elemental Ray is a good substitute, due to its decent damage output, and its easily accessible crafting recipes.
    • For Summoners, the Elemental Axe is a good choice for Tsukiyomi. Additionally, the Energy Staff is a good sentry to bring to a fight too.
    • For Rogues, the Celestial Reaper is an incredible weapon to use, most prominently due to its great potential damage output, and how easily accessible it is for its tier.
    • The Flight Mastery Soul from Fargo's Soul Mod is a great non-Vanilla option as it bypasses the no flight rule in the subworlds, which can make dodging Tsukiyomi's attacks much easier. The Supersonic Soul can trivialise most of her attacks as well.


  • Tsukiyomi takes 20% less damage from the Zenith.


  • Tsukiyomi's theme for her first and second phase is Chart the Cosmos, which was composed by Echo Lane.
    • Her final phases' theme is Even Stars Must Fall.
  • Tsukiyomi's voice lines are in fact not voice recorded, instead they were generated using 15.ai.
  • Tsukiyomi's attacks (along with her Quotes) take concepts from multiple Aspected Weapons and other TSA bosses,which are usually references from multiple popular games and animes.
    • Threads of Fate represents The Warrior Of Light's attack of the same name, which is a reference of Final Fantasy XIV's Shadowbringers expansion.
    • Anosios, Hypertuned Meteor Shower are strengened versions of attacks of The Vagrant of Space and Time.
    • Bury The Light represents the special attack of the weapon of the same name, which is a reference to Yamato's skill Judgement Cut End From Devil May Cry.
    • Death In Four Acts is directly borrowed from the weapon of the same name, which is a reference to Jhin's weapon, Whisper, in League of Legends,
    • Jetstream Bloodshed represents the special attack of The Only Thing I Know For Real, which is a direct reference to Samuel Rodrigues (Jetstream Sam)'s sword from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, the "VT7 High-Frequency Murasama Blade".
    • Stygian Memento uses Memento Muse as weapon, which is a reference to Mori Calliope from Hololive EN, while Tsukiyomi's quote represents the tooltip of the weapon.
    • Carian Dark Moon represents the special attack of the weapon of the same name, which is a reference to the Dark Moon Greatsword from Elden Ring.
    • Takonomicon represents the special attack of the weapon of the same name, which is a reference to the popular Virtual Tuber Ninomae Ina'nis.
    • Shadowless Cerulean is a reference of the special attack of the weapon of the same name, which is a direct reference to Amiya's guard Ascension variant skill 2 Ying Xiao - Shadowless From Arknights.
    • Key of the King's Law represents the attack of the weapon of the same name, which is a reference to the Gate of Babylon from the Fate series, used by Gilgamesh.
    • Voice Of The Outbreak represents the attacks of Crimson Outbreak, which is a reference to the Outbreak Perfected pulse rifle from Destiny 2.
    • Luminary Wand represents the attack of the weapon of the same name, which is a reference to Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy.
    • Cæsura of Despair represents the three Nephilim Shards and the Irys from the attack of the weapon of the same name, which is a reference to the song Caesura of Despair by hololive's IRyS.