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This template is used to provide a button to play a sound effect, with the default HTML audio player as a fallback if JavaScript is disabled. This is intended primarily for short sound effects, as there is no seeking ability.

The template was ported from the Minecraft Wiki.


{{ sound | <description> | <audio file> | iconfirst = y/yes }}

First unnamed parameter

Displayed wikitext. A speaker icon is displayed next to it indicating the playing status. Clicking the text (if not a link) or icon will stop any other sounds, and start/stop this sound.

Second unnamed parameter

Name of the audio file, without [[File:.


Display the speaker icon before the description text.


Code Result
{{sound|Play my mixtape 🔥|Music-Overworld Day.mp3}} Play my mixtape 🔥
The {{sound|[[Media:Roar 0.wav|characteristic roar]]|Roar 0.wav|iconfirst=y}} announces the spawn of a [[boss]]. The characteristic roar announces the spawn of a boss.