Template:Npc infobox

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Template-info.svg Documentation The documentation below is transcluded from Template:Npc infobox/doc. (edit | history)


All variables except Type are optional.

  • The image parameter replaces the main image. A single bare filename must be entered, without any other code.
  • The imagealt parameter replicates the functionality of the image parameter in {{item infobox}}. It replaces the main image, but takes any code. Multiple images can be provided, and/or text and other formatting. Images specified using imagealt require the full [[File: ]] markup.
{{npc infobox
| boxwidth = custom width for the infobox; default = 23em
| width = same as boxwidth; partially deprecated
| name = npc name; default = page name
| namesub = name sub-line; default = none
| image = imagename.png; default = pagename.png
| imagealt = [[File:imagename.png]]
| imageexpert = imagename.png, Expert Mode variant
| imageother = imagename2.png, displays at the bottom on the infobox
| imageothercaption = caption for imageother
| type = character type: Enemy for enemies, Town for friendly NPCs, Critter for friendly Critters
| environment = biome where can they be found
| environment2 = sub-biome
| ai = which AI the character uses
| damage = damage inflicted per hit from this character
| life = total max health
| defense = defense the character has
| dr = damage reduction the character has
| knockback = knockback resistance
| power = for catchable characters, like critters, which can be used for things like bait (enter "15% bait", for example)
| debuff = debuff inflicted
| debuffchance = chances of inflicting the debuff
| debufftip = debuff tooltip
| duration = length of time the debuff lasts
| debuff2 = second debuff inflicted
| debuffchance2 = chances of inflicting the second debuff
| debufftip2 = second debuff's tooltip
| duration2 = length of time the second debuff lasts
| immune1
= debuffs a character is immune to
| immune10
| immuneall = yes, if this character is immune to all debuffs
| immuneallnotwhips = yes, if this character is immune to all debuffs except Whip debuffs
| banner = yes, if this character drops a Banner
| bannername = if banner=yes, use this to specify a custom banner name. default: "[page name] Banner" or "[name parameter] Banner"
| money = dropped coins, enter using coin templates: {{cc}} {{sc}} {{gc}} {{pc}}
| group|heading|size items may be visually grouped with the "group" parameter value (see Queen Bee for an example); "group size" may be left empty
| item1|quantity1|rate1
| item15|quantity15|rate15
| projectile = projectile name
| projectiletype = title of the section; Creates Projectile by default
| projectileimage = image file of the projectile; File:$projectile$ ($modname$).png by default
| projectile<N> = projectile name
| projectiletype<N> = title of the section; Creates Projectile by default
| projectileimage<N> = image file of the projectile; File:$projectile<N>$ ($modname$).png by default
| soundhurt = "hurt" sound file name; separate multiple sound file names with a comma
| soundkilled = "killed" sound file name; separate multiple sound file names with a comma
| sound1 = file name of a sound; separate multiple sound file names with a comma
| soundcaption1 = sound caption
| sound2 = file name of a sound; separate multiple sound file names with a comma
| soundcaption2 = sound caption
| sound15 = file name of a sound; separate multiple sound file names with a comma
| soundcaption15 = sound caption