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Template-info.svg Documentation The documentation below is transcluded from Template:Gadget/doc. (edit | history)

This template is used on the description pages of gadgets to provide a standardized documentation.


{{ gadget | <name> | <description> | <internal name> | default = y/yes | nojs = y/yes | css = y/yes }}

First unnamed parameter

Name of the gadget.

Second unnamed parameter

Description of the gadget.

Third unnamed parameter

Internal name of the gadget. This corresponds to the title of the gadget's MediaWiki description page, without the MediaWiki:Gadget- part. For the Preview Tab gadget (description page: MediaWiki:Gadget-previewTab), for instance, this would be previewTab.


Indicates that the gadget is enabled by default.


Suppresses the "source" link that points to the gadget's JS page by default. This is useful for CSS-only gadgets.


Adds a link to the gadget's style page (MediaWiki:Gadget-$3.css).


Code Result
{{gadget|Preview Tab|Re-adds the Wikitext/Preview/Changes tabs to editor that were removed in the [[gphelp:MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade|MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade]].|previewTab}} Preview Tab: Re-adds the Wikitext/Preview/Changes tabs to editor that were removed in the MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade.[source]
{{gadget|Preview Tab|Re-adds the Wikitext/Preview/Changes tabs to editor that were removed in the [[gphelp:MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade|MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade]].|previewTab|default=yes}} Preview Tab: Default gadget. Re-adds the Wikitext/Preview/Changes tabs to editor that were removed in the MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade.[source]
{{gadget|Preview Tab|Re-adds the Wikitext/Preview/Changes tabs to editor that were removed in the [[gphelp:MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade|MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade]].|previewTab|css=yes}} Preview Tab: Re-adds the Wikitext/Preview/Changes tabs to editor that were removed in the MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade.[source | css]
{{gadget|Preview Tab|Re-adds the Wikitext/Preview/Changes tabs to editor that were removed in the [[gphelp:MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade|MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade]].|previewTab|nojs=yes|css=yes}} Preview Tab: Re-adds the Wikitext/Preview/Changes tabs to editor that were removed in the MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade.[css]
{{gadget|Preview Tab|Re-adds the Wikitext/Preview/Changes tabs to editor that were removed in the [[gphelp:MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade|MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade]].|previewTab|nojs=yes}} Preview Tab: Re-adds the Wikitext/Preview/Changes tabs to editor that were removed in the MediaWiki 1.31 upgrade.