Lucifer's Bargain

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Lucifer's Bargain
  • Lucifer's Bargain item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipDefense is reduced by 30
Upon killing an enemy, gain the buff 'Sated Anguish' for 15 seconds
During this time, gain 20% increased damage, powerful life regeneration, and defense is restored
Grants BuffSated AnguishSated Anguish
Buff tooltipThe detriments of Lucifer's Bargain have been negated... for now
RarityRarity level: 3
Obtained from
Tortured SoulTortured Soul1100%

The Lucifer's Bargain is an accessory that can be dropped at a 0.1*1/1000 (0.1%) chance by Demon, or as a Guaranteed drop from Tortured Soul. It decreases defense by 30, but buffs the Player's damage by 20%, restores defense, and drastically buffs regen for 15 seconds after killing an enemy.